An Edited Refresh: Changes to the Blog and YouTube

an edited lifestyle changes to the blog and YouTube

A New Lease of Life Coming to the Brand…

It’s been a while since I’ve done changes to the blog type of post. However, a lot of stuff has happened (as you may be aware of on my Instagram feed) and my priorities have shifted. And whilst I’m still very much in love with blogging and YouTube, I need to put my mental health first.

Apart from the apparent reason, since the beginning of 2023, I’ve not been performing at 100%. And it is killing me. As a perfectionist (which is not flex and very much a character flaw from childhood trauma) I find it really hard when I feel like I’m letting people down. And that’s what I’m feeling right now. Not keeping up to schedules, and not being motivated to post.

Now I know that I’m not letting anyone down and you guys have been nothing but supportive. It’s an internal feeling that I need to push through. And to help with this, I’ve decided to make some changes to the blog and YouTube.

Creating Content for You.

For starters, I’m bringing back blogging. I pushed much of it to the back, not posting on this channel. The blog is my baby and I really neglected it. So, I’m back to posting. I wanted to get more content going on the blog so you’ll see more posts coming out each week.

I’m also bringing back lifestyle content. Yes, the interiors will still be here, but I wanted to also talk about finances, style and general lifestyle. We’re also planning to travel this year, so you know I’m going to be including a round-up of this.

As for YouTube, I’ve had to drop back to one webisode a week. It broke my heart, but when it came to it, the content was not as good. I was rushing to complete and it’s not fair on you guys. Quality over quantity. So we are back to one video a week at 5 pm.

Again with the content, I’m bringing back more lifestyle content. I am going to still be doing DIY projects. However, you may have noticed that the rental reno series has slowed down (I will explain more in an upcoming vlog). So for now, I’ve decided to bring back a few more vlogs as you guys seem to love them.

With most of these things, it’s about cutting back where we need to and bringing up content creation that we love.

Getting Social.

As for social, it’s safe to say I’ve fallen out of love with it. Instagram is blah, I’m slowly understanding TikTok. I will say, I’m loving Instagram Stories more. For social, it’s all about finding my content pillars and structuring content around them. So we shall wait and see.

Future Projects.

So what does the future hold? Let’s just say, I’m working on some projects this year that I hope will become something. I’ve never been shy that if I was able to create something full-time with YouTube and the blog I would take that opportunity. These two projects would contribute to that and I think it’s something that you guys will love.

Thanks for always being understanding with everything. I’m hoping to be back on form very soon.


  1. I love your content Ellenor! You do such an amazing job of creating valuable, beautiful content across all your channels, I hope that your new posting flow gives you what you need in terms of balance ~ so so important!

    And we’ll all be here for whatever you choose to share, when you choose to share it ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Monica x

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