My Health & Fitness Goals for this Year

an edited lifestyle fitness health goals
Heading into the New Year with Some Healthy Goals in Mind…

Last year I really got myself back onto the fitness and health bandwagon. Though I took some time off in December just to relax and get myself back into the best mind frame, this January I’m ready to jump back onto the metaphorical treadmill. In fact, as you are reading this, I’ll be up bright and early working out. 2021 is the year for setting health and fitness goals and really accomplish them.

The health and fitness goals that I’ve set myself do vary. If we’ve learnt anything from 2020, it’s that your health is so important. I’ve also got really into working out, going for walks and hikes (thank you lockdown 1.0). During December, my husband and I decided to relax (a little too much) and weren’t feeling great about it. So towards the last week, we made a plan to get back on track. Both of us have different health goals, but the end is the same; healthier, fitter bodies. Here’s a breakdown of the main health and fitness goals I have for 2021…


One of the main things that my husband and I want to do is start taking vitamins and probiotics. Gut health is so important, and I know we can do more for ours. I’ve been researching into the best types, which ones to take. There are so many types and everyone is different. For us, we also want to take other vitamins, so we’re going down the personalised vitamin route. I’ve found this great website that does subscriptions and we’re looking to start ours in the new year. We’re both going to take a probiotic along with an immune booster. For myself, I’m going to take an omega 3 oil capsule for my skin and brain health. For my husband, he’s taking an iron supplement for his anaemia.

Along with a probiotic, I want to replace my diet coke habit with drinking kombucha. I actually really like the stuff and I’d rather fill my fridge with cans of those than the other stuff. It’s a habit that I hope to kick this year.

Other things that I’m thinking of is ageing. Now that I am 30, I’m starting to think about anti-ageing, a term that I hate because ageing is a privilege. However, saying that, I want to do as much as I can to support my skin. So I’m happy to do anything that I can to support the collagen that I already have.




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As of 1 January, I’m back on it with the fitness and workout routine. I gave up for a few weeks and I don’t feel great for it. For those who are following me on Instagram, you’ll know that I am a fan of a morning walk and a HIIT workout. Currently, with how dark it is, the walk is not possible, so that’s being paused for now. I’ve decided to start BBG from week one again so that I can track fully how everything is going. BBG is a workout plan on the Sweat app and I swear by it. There are so many routines and they can be done at home, something that I’m very happy about. I’m still going to try and fit in a hike on the weekends and whilst I’m working from home, I’m going to take myself on a half an hour/40-minute walk at lunchtime to get myself moving. As long as I have a good podcast to listen to, I know I’ll be good to go.

This is a quick breakdown of what I’ll be doing on what days. You’ll find me up at 6 am during the week with the news on in the background whilst I workout:

Monday- Leg workout
Tuesday- Booty workout
Wednesday- Arm workout
Thursday- Shoulder workout
Friday- Ab workout

My plan is to document what I can, so I might do a 12-week update on the gram and here if you guys would like to know how the plan is going and if it’s worth investing in (hint, hint, to me, it is).




Lastly, for my health and fitness goals is my diet. I like to think I’m an okay eater, but I could be better. Certainly, with December, the treats were non-stop so this January I’m hitting a reset on everything. I’m not going to deprive myself of anything throughout the year, but certainly, for January, there’s going to be a bit of cutting out. I’m planning to go with no sugary treats, no snacks (unless fruit, nuts or vegs). Just a nice reset for my body after a few weeks of feeling the slug.

Something else that I need to work on is drinking more water. Again, something that I’ve fallen off the wagon with is drinking water every day. There’s been a couple of days where I didn’t drink any and I felt terrible for it. My plan is to drink a gallon of water. Drinking water not only helps with weight loss (which is something that I’m aiming for) but also for feeling great and treating your body well. Once I start, I need to make sure that I continue with this goal. If I can get to 365 days of drinking a decent amount of water, I’ll be very happy.





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