Things I’m Doing to Prep for the New Year

an edited lifestyle prep for the new year

New Year, a Fresh Start…

I’m writing this a couple of weeks out but I’m already starting on prep for the new year. Whilst I see the beginning of September as my fresh start, the new year is all about goal setting. My OCD brain needs that brand new feeling in order to track how things have progress. This is why I reinvented my blog on 1 January almost seven years ago!

As we are counting down the days to the end of 2020 (aren’t we all sick of it?) I’m already in full prep mode. I like to make sure that I have everything in place for the start of the new year, It’s great to use the next week coming up (that time between Christmas and New Year) to get your ducks in a row so you can start your new year with a bang. I’m so ready for this year to be over and for 2021 to begin. Yes, it’s not going to change completely overnight. But there’s hope and I’m ready to jump on the positivity train.

In order to have the best out of the new year, you’ve got to do some prep first. Here’s how I’m prepping for the new year…


First things first is a good old spring clean. I usually spend the week after Christmas taking my decorations down (I don’t do Christmas twice in a year) and deep cleaning the entire house. As you may know, I work most productively when I have an organised home. So if you’re looking to start new goals, it’s time to get your house in order. Dedicate a day to giving your home a good clean, every nook and cranny. This will allow you to go into the new year with a fresh start, literally.


Now is the time for goal making. What is it you want to achieve in 2021? If you’re like me, I usually like to set about a million and one goals. To avoid burnout and the inevitable failure that comes with taking too much on, I like to split my goals into three sections: health, home and work. That way I can break it down into smaller, more manageable goals that lead to one big goal. As you will have seen from my monthly goals, it’s a lot easier to manage and feel like I’m kicking butt.


an edited lifestyle prep for the new year  an edited lifestyle prep for the new year


One of my favourite things to do (that sounded so adult of me) is to plan my budget for the year ahead. I have a full-on spreadsheet and I like to make myself a template that I can edit each month, depending on requirements. When it comes to making your template, be realistic. Yes, you may want to save a lot of money this year. But what is realistic? Can you save a certain amount and then anything extra is a win? A lot of the time we set ourselves unrealistic goals when it comes to our money, thus leaving us disappointed. So be realistic to your lifestyle and you’ll be on your way to bossing it with your finances in the new year.


This I usually do when I’m working out my finances. I like to pull up a plan for the next three months. This way I can plot budget for birthdays, events, trips, etc. Again it helps me to know what is coming up and be prepared. It may seem like a chore but an hour with your laptop and a cocktail in hand saves me many an hour in the long run.


In prep for taking on the new year by storm, it’s worth giving yourself a bit of TLC first. If you’re not in the best frame of mind come the new year, you’re going to be completely burnt out before the month as begun. So whether that is getting yourself a hair cut, your nails done or even a massage, get yourself some pampering so you are in tip-top shape for 2021.

Have a fabulous new year’s eve and a magical start to 2021!




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