My New Year Goals for 2025

A New Year, a New Elevated Me…
Hello, darlings. Happy New Year everyone. 2025 is looking great and I’m looking forward to working on my new year goals. Over the past few years, I’ve been taking time to heal and get myself in a place of peace. I’ve had goals, but not actively worked on them. This year, it’s different.
For these new year goals, I’m in a different position and I’m ready to take a chunk out of the universe for myself. I’ve coined the term Reinvention Era to describe the journey that I’m on. However, I’m not reinventing myself, just elevating myself to the next level. I’m ready to adapt my lifestyle for the future vision I have for myself. I’ve got habits in place ready to go and I’m so excited to evolve myself to the next level. 2025 is going to be my year, I know it.
This year, I’ve been very restrained with the goals I’ve set myself. There’s not a million of them, just a few that I’m truly excited to tick off come December. Here are my New Year goals for 2025.
My New Year Goals.
- Have a Net Worth of 350K: I’m finally debt-free for the first time in my life since I was 18 years old. And I’m ready to enter my wealth era. I’ve been slowly working on my net worth goal for a while, but this year I’m truly going for it. My goal is to have £50K as a net worth by my 35th birthday. This is made up of investments, pension contributions, savings and our first home deposit.
- Invest 10% of my income: This is a financial side-quest I’m going on, a starting point to looking at increasing this percentage over time. Currently, I invest 5% of my income in my workplace pension. Albeit, I’m hoping to end the year with 5% invested after tax for a 10% total at the end of the year. I know this will fluctuate month to month and my income is due to increase come February so the goalpost is going to move. However, I’m very excited about the challenge and I cannot wait to report on this.
- Learn British Sign Language: This is a personal goal that I’ve wanted to achieve for a while. I’ve wanted to learn a new language and I’m currently looking for BSL courses. Firstly, BSL is an official language in the UK but is only used and learnt by those who need it. As someone who is neurodiverse, I know how hard it can be to live in an ableist world and I want to do what I can to support BSL speakers.
- Walk Dash to Our Local Coffee Shop: Another personal goal and one that some may think is a bit strange. You want to walk your dog? As I’ve spoken about on my social media, Dash is a reactive dog. And as a border collie, he likes to herd and his chosen thing is cars. I’m talking lunging at them. Albeit, we’ve been slowly working our way for him to be walking along the road without it being too scary for him and I’m hoping by the end of the year that Dash and I will be able to walk to the local coffee shop together and enjoy a coffee and pupperchino together.
- Perfect My Reinvention Era: An ongoing goal with fuzzy lines. I’ve created mood boards to illustrate my ideas. From style, wellness, travel and interiors, I’m looking to slowly make my way upward towards my ultimate reinvention. This will be slow and ongoing. However, I’m excited to work on this. Be prepared to see a whole different, elevated me at the end of the year.
What are your new year goals for 2025?