My Autumnal Living Room

Cosy Season is Finally Here…
September has rolled around and finally my season is here. I love this time of year and the holidays. And as we’ve officially moved into Fall, it’s time for an autumnal living room styling.
If you check out my Instagram, you’ll see that it is finally on trend and full of autumnal colours. I truly love this time of year and the cosy feel that you get. This cosy feel is exactly what I wanted to bring into our home and my autumnal living room. Usually, I go quite spooky. However this year, I decided to bring in more colour and a harvest feel. At least for the first half of the season, with more spook to come sooner.

Our Autumnal Living Room.
Now that our living room is somewhat completed, with a new sofa and a console table to decorate, I had a little more space to have fun with. I had some seasonal blankets to bring in some warmth, I had another space to add the bats to and I had the perfect excuse to buy more fall decor.
The one space I went a little crazy with was our fireplace. I usually do a garland at Christmas time. However, I decided to try something this Autumn and went for a leaf installation feature. I found these green/ yellow garlands at my local Homesense store and gave the mantle a little styling. It’s gorgeous, it brings movement and some natural textures. Definitely something I will bring back next year.
I’ve truly had fun with decorating my autumnal living room this year and I cannot wait to do our Fall traditions in the upcoming weeks.