New Changes to An Edited Lifestyle

It’s That Time of the Year for Change…
The one thing I love about the beginning of September is its new changes. Indeed, it’s one of my favourite times of the year. That back to school, new beginnings, fresh start feeling. And with some changes in the air and a lot happening at the moment for the blog and YouTube, I decided that the beginning of September was the perfect time to launch some changes.
Recently on YouTube, I reached 1,000 followers. This was a considerable achievement that I set myself to hit this year and I’m so proud and grateful that it has come sooner than I expected. And with that, I decided that it was time to step my YouTube game up. So I’ve decided to add a second webisode to my schedule, which I will be putting out every Thursday. I’m filming some more sit-down/ interior advice webisodes that I feel people will find useful for styling their homes. Now, perhaps a vlog may appear and we will swap and turn. It really depends on what suits the schedule. However, there will be two videos and I’m so excited to introduce this change to the channel.
Some of the other new changes that I’m making will be posted to the blog. I’m still doing two posts a week, but I’m swapping to Monday and Thursday. I’m hoping that by condensing the work to the ‘beginning’ of the week, I will be able to produce better quality content for you to enjoy.
I’m so excited for these changes and I cannot wait to take you on this journey with me.