DIY Wooden Vintage Bench

The DIY I’ve Been Waiting to Do…
I’m so happy I’ve finally done the DIY vintage wooden bench. I have admired this piece of furniture for a long time. It’s something that I’ve seen in many images that I’ve pinned on my Primary Bedroom Pinterest board and I knew that when we came to makeover that this was something I was going to want to add. However, with the bedroom makeover pushed back slightly and having been recently inspired by my vintage desk makeover, I decided to whip this up in a weekend.
Truthfully it took me two weekends. However, with better time management, you could do this DIY project in a whole weekend. The best thing about this DIY is it is so customisable. I made mine to fit our double bed but you could make it for a king bed, stain it darker and add more features. The world is your oyster.
If you watch my DIY webisodes on my YouTube channel, you’ll know that the majority of the time I do these DIYs is due to two reasons. Firstly that they are not widely available in the UK, with my taste leaning over to more American interiors. The next being the cost. These vintage wooden benches can be so expensive. Honeslty, the materials to make this DIY vintage wooden bench was under £50.00.
Want to make this yourself? Scroll on down for the exact things I used and measurements…

DIY Vintage Wooden Bench.
For this bench (which fits an IKEA Malm double bed) I used the following things:
Planed smooth timber 27mm x 194mm (I got one of theses)
Planed smooth timber 27mm x 44mm (I got two of these, however, if you don’t want to do the middle bracket, you can get away with one)
Ronseal Daimond Hard Dark Oak Satin Wood Stainer
Now yes, there are tools that were used to make the newly smoothed wood to look vintage. However, I had already had these tools so I didn’t include them in the cost. Now, if you don’t have access to powertools my suggestion would be to always invest in a power drill, a hammer and chissle. These will get you through this build, albeit a little slower than using a sander and jigsaw.
It’s hard to explain about the process of making the bench within a blog post. So, to see the exact process of how I made this bench, then check out that webisode on my YouTube channel. Happy DIYing and do let me know how it goes.