How I’m Tackling My Rental Makeover Projects This Year

The Final Rental Makeovers?
This post is somewhat a selfish way of me plotting down everything in my head when it comes to rental makeover projects. There’s just so much I want to tackle this year, however working out the order to do everything has been somewhat tricky. It’s worth noting here these are possibly the final major rental makeover projects. I’ll still be working on DIY projects and styling moments, but for total transformations, this is the end. I say this, however, we know what I’m like when it comes to design.
So why am I planning more makeovers? Whilst I love what we’ve done so far to the home, my style and taste have changed. Plus, with getting Dash this year, I’m starting to notice a lack in practicality, whilst also blending design. So whilst it feels like I’m going to be making every single room again, not every room needs a complete makeover. Want to know more about the makeovers I’ve got planned?
Outdoor Projects.
Whilst the garden got its makeover last year, there’s another part of the home that you guys haven’t seen that I want to work on. That is the front of our house, which isn’t big but needs a big makeover. I’m talking about painting the front door, windows and cleaning up our front yard. It’s a project I’m hoping to work on in the upcoming weeks, so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on it.
As for the garden, whilst the majority of the makeover was done last year, it does need spruce. With Dash, we’ve built him an area for him to go to the bathroom, as it was starting to smell bad out there. We also need to add security, fencing in what we can so he can have a bit of a run around without getting into trouble. This makeover is going to be mostly just planted, something I’m very much looking forward to.
The Major Rental Makeover Projects.
There are a couple of makeovers that are going to be epic. The first one will be our laundry room/ utility room makeover. I say room, it’s a small nook before you do into the basement. But giving it a little makeover will make it feel so much better and help with dirty storage of boots and whatnot.
The next major makeover is our primary bedroom. We are slowly going to be heading upstairs into the attic. It’s going to be a complex job, but one I’m very excited to take on. I’ll give you a hint. I’m potentially building an internal wall. Enough said for now.
I would say that the bathroom is also a major project. Whilst there won’t be any plumbing there are some renter-friendly hacks that I want to try to give a complete makeover.
The Final Makeover.
The only two rooms left in the home is our living room and kitchen. These had major makeovers that happened last year, but they could do with a little spruce. With the kitchen, I want to repaint the cabinets. I know you’re all crying, but with having a dog, I just need to have the dirt not show up as much. Plus, I think it will add some depth to the kitchen. We also want to add a dining table, something vintage for the character. I will say, if I can, I would also like to change the sink and recover the countertops. We’ll just have to see where we are at when we get around to it.
Now with the living room, it just needs a repaint and new furniture. There are about four different shades of white that I want to get a professional in to paint it all one colour. As for furniture, I’ve been desperate for a new sofa for years and this year will be the year. Small spruce that will make a big difference.
I honestly cannot wait to take you along for the ride. Watch this space.