Meet Dash, Our New Puppy

The Latest Addition to Our Family…
I’m so excited to introduce you to Dash, our puppy. Currently, as I write this, he is sat on my lap in a coffee shop and I’m living out the dream. I’ve always wanted a dog, I’ve been asked Lee for a dog forever. Towards the end of this year, the stars all alined and Dash joined our family before the new year.
I would say I’ve wanted a dog ever since I was 18. My family had a dog, however he passed away when I was 12. My grandma, up until a year before she passed how about three dogs on a continuous rotation. All these dogs were Border Collies and whilst I love a King Charles Spaniel and a French Bulldog, I knew at some point in our lives a Border Collie would join us.
Prior to this year, I have always had 100% office based jobs, so the likelihood of owning a dog was unlikely. The pandemic has certainly changed our way of working, and with Lee and I opening up our own coffee shop, the possibility of owning became more and more likely…
Shop Dog Walking Wardrobe.

Dash, Our Puppy.
So if you haven’t guessed, Dash is a Border Collie. He’s tri-coloured with a little merle, so there’s a chance he may have one brown eye and one blue eye (which is looking very likely, his eyes are changing). He’s 11 weeks old and by the time this post goes live, he will have gone on his first walk and socialising to new things.
Personality wise, he’s so sweet. Whenever we go to coffee shops he’s always so calm and content, constantly getting all the attention. If I say so myself, my boy is a very handsome chap! He needs to enjoy it now as a puppy, cause once he’s a full blown dog, I don’t think he’ll get the same old ladies and children wanting a cuddle from him.
Very much like any typical Border Collie, he’s so intelligent. He picks up training so well, we’re already toilet trained with zero accidents in a week. That’s not to say his puppy side doesn’t come out. He’s got separation anxiety from me and loves to wake me up a couple of times in the night for attention. However, for all this, he’s perfect.
Puppy Essentials.
I know for a fact that Dash will be our only puppy. As much as he’s amazing, puppies are hard work! Definitely if we get any more dogs in the future, we’ll be rescuing. If you are yourself taking on this amazing journey of raising a puppy, here are a few essentials I’d recommend to help you on the way.
Puppy Crate.
I know that the dog owners of the world are deeply divided on this. However, personally to me, it’s a hugely important tool to help teach puppies boundaries, give them their own safe space and help with toilet training. Ours sits in the middle of our living room (my poor interiors) and moves upstairs at night. However soon it will stay downstairs permanently. This is the one we went for.
This is not forever, he’s definitely going to get some sort of fabulous bed that goes so well with my interior style. But whilst he’s still a puppy, it’s working so well for the three of us.
Slow Eating Bowl.
Prior to getting this, Dash would gulp his food down like a duck. I was so worried that he would choke. We were also struggling to keep Dash mentally challenged, especially with him not being able to go outside before his second vaccinations. So we invested in this puzzle bowl and it was perfect. Keeps him entertained during dinner time and helps slow down his eating.
Good Looking Squeaky Toys.
I hate puppy toys. They are all so… brightly coloured and plastic. It doesn’t go well with my neutral interiors so I was so glad when I found these squeaky toys. Dash loves a squeaky toy and these ones are so adorable. He loves apple and pear, he’s recently got the blackberry and soon is going to get a few more in the new year. Plus they are not too horrible looking to have them on display in his woven basket.