How to Make the Most of Your Square Footage

an edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footage

Small But Mighty Spaces…

If there’s anything I’ve learnt from renting it’s about how to make the most of your square footage. I love our home, but she is tiny. Therefore, we’ve had to make the most of the space we’ve got. After a couple of years, I’ve finally figured out how to decorate and create a gorgeous home, without a lot of square footage.

I know that a lot of you lovely lot from Instagram also have tiny spaces, and I want to make sure there was one space that you could all come and reference when it comes to decorating your spaces. So here are my top tips on how to make the most of your square footage and create a stylish home…


If in doubt, always, ALWAYS go large. Especially with your artwork. Whether your room is large or small, oversized art fills the role of enlarging the height and creating the illusion of more space. When you have a larger room, you need large-scale art to fill the walls. It feels more thought-out and planned.

Now when it comes to your smaller rooms, large-scale art will make the space feel more custom, and like I’ve said, create the illusion of there being more to the room than there actually is. The bright, bold print of your artwork will always create conversation and show off your personal interior style.


This is so important when it comes to making the most of your square footage, especially if your home is tiny. You can’t overlook this extra space. Take what you can get. For my home, our ceilings are quite high for a home, so we’ve got an additional half a foot that most homes don’t have, so we’ve had to use them wisely. For the majority of rooms in our home, it’s been all about additional storage, whether this is shelving or cabinets.

When it comes to deciding how to use this space, think about what function this room provides for your home. In a hallway, you can think about somewhere to put your stuff at the end of the day, hooks for bags and coats. For a bedroom, go as high as you can with your wardrobes. That additional space above your racks can be the place you put your off-season clothes or bedding.


an edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footage  an edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footagean edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footagean edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footage  an edited lifestyle interiors make the most of square footage


I feel like this point is on repeat (much like oversized art or lighting). But a good mirror will help bounce light and create the illusion of a larger room. In addition to this, a great mirror will give your home that feeling of luxe and glamour. It may feel like you should go for the cheaper option (because mirrors are expensive) but trust me, it’s worth putting the budget into this space.

In terms of orientation, placing your mirror landscape will help make the room feel wider and will bounce that light around more. Portrait, however, will take your eye upwards and make your room feel grand and larger.


More than ever, our homes have had to become more functional, the single-designated room no longer exists. For our living room, it is both our place to unwind, but also my home office. When it comes to making the most of your square footage, it’s important to see what different corners of your room can double up. Make the most of what you’ve got


The final touches and additional details will add some depth to your home. It’s all about mixing textures. Think your cushions, florals, decorative objects. Those small things will make such a difference to your home. It can see scary to mix different textures but go with it. You have to make the eye dance across the room.

Another thing that will add to the styling of your home is to stick to the more natural textures. These have interest, more than man-made materials. The interest gives that object and the place it sits on depth, making the room feel larger and luxurious.










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