How to Make a Room Look Instantly Put Together
Because you don’t have to spend a lot of money for a room to look fabulous…
Out of all the rooms in our home, I feel like our living room is the most put together. Partly, because it’s the room that is the most finished. But also, because we spend most of our time in this room, so I put a lot more effort into it. Hopefully, the effort we’ve put into the room is paying off. It’s one of the rooms that I get the most compliments on my Instagram feed. I do have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve for making a room look and feel put together. Here are my top few tips that I’d love to share with you…
Or any flat surface for that matter. But finding somewhere to create a little styling moment makes any room look instantly put together. For me, it’s my coffee table, which I’ve talked about on the blog. I love a stacked coffee table book moment. Ones stacked with same colours makes for a styling point for the eye to be drawn to. Paired with a gorgeous tray to collect your bits. And, of course, a plant. Plants are a great way of pulling the eye to a point. As well as adding life to a room. So wherever you’ve got a flat surface, create a little moment. It will make such a difference to a room.
I’ll say it before and I’ll save it again. Mirrors are amazing! Sadly, the one in my living room is sold out but this one from La Redoute is very similar in style and equally stylish. I also love this mirror from La Redoute that we have in our bedroom (I cannot wait to show you the makeover, very, very soon!) Mirrors open up space, bouncing the light around the room. When you get the right mirror, it looks instantly put together. Mirrors are something that I would highly recommend in investing in. Spend a little extra money, but it’s 100% worth it.
I’m huge about lighting. Lighting is something that when you get it right, it completely changes the feel of a room. Working for a company who is all about lighting, I’ve learnt a thing or two in my time. In rentals, changing the lighting can make a house feel like a home and will make your rental feel instantly put together. Just simply change up a shade, makes such a difference. This one that I’ve recently put up in my living room was kindly gifted to me by La Redoute and I love it. Changes the feel of the room. If you are feeling a little braver, you can also change the pendant and give it some brand new cable and ceiling rose. We’ve just done this in the bedroom. Hopefully you’ll agree with me, it’s changed the vibe of the room.
You know my love for plants. But I also love a floral moment. Grabbing a bouquet from the supermarkets and putting it into one of my many vases. It’s a lovely habit to have. I love getting bouquets for the season, snowberries are my favoruite flower right now. Flowers can cost a lot or hardly anything. It’s how you treat them and look after them. But you have to admit it, some form of plants/ flowers make any room look put together. Invest in a small bunch every month and your home will look gorgeous all year round.
Ah, clutter. Clutter will instantly bring a feel of the room down. Now, your home does not need to look like a show home. No one wants that! But taking time out, even ten mins a day to remove pots, pilled up letters and old magazines with turn the vibe around and make feel put together. Again, you do not need to spend hours doing it. A few mins a day or a selected day to give it a deep clean. A little organisation and TLC, and breathe! Doesn’t that feel so much better.